Use this command to invite war
!war invite, enemyGuildName, frags(opcional), payment(opcional)
example: !war invite, Wicked
example: !war invite, Wicked, 50
example: !war invite, Wicked, 50, 100000
Use this command to accept the invite war
!war accept, enemyGuildName
example: !war accept, Alliance
Use this command to reject the invite war
!war reject, enemyGuildName
example: !war reject, Alliance
Use this command to cancel the sent invite war
!war cancel, enemyGuildName
example: !war cancel, Wicked
If you sent the war invitation, use this command to end the war.
Or, if you have accepted the war invitation, use this one to ask for the war to end.
!war end, enemyGuildName
example: !war end, Wicked
If there is a request to close the opposing Guild, with this command you end the war.
!war finish, enemyGuildName
example: !war finish, Alliance
Use this command to check the guild's available cash balance.
!war balance
example: !war balance
Use this command to deposit money into your guild account.
!war deposity, money
example: !war deposity, 100000
Use this command to withdraw money from your guild account.
!war withdraw, money
example: !war withdraw, 100000